OKR Dashboard Template - From Purpose to Tasks with OKRs
Why I made an OKR template?
I derived this template from my personal and practical experiences with OKRs. I use them myself and implemented them in a few start-ups and in a company with 300 employees. It is an easy and simple dashboard which can be adapted to your needs and company size. In the end the template is a tool to make it easier for people to use OKRs in their company or private life.
It includes an introduction to the topic of OKRs as well as a brief guide regarding how to use the template. Overall it is a good and easy starting point if you want to dive into the topic of OKRs and push your company and business to new levels.
Why using OKRs?
OKRs, the abbreviation for Objectives and Key Results, are a goal setting and collaboration tool which aims for the following:
- Transparency, collaboration and communication
- Create alignment and an easy overview within the company
- A systematic approach to link the purpose and vision with the tasks of your daily business
If used properly, OKRs are a powerful tool. They start by regularly deriving a mid-term strategic focus from your long-term vision and break down this focus into measurable tactical goals. Furthermore, you can link initiatives to Key Results and break down these initiatives into tasks. This helps you to create focus and push towards your most desirable goals. Additionally, it helps your team or your employees to understand how the daily business is connected to the bigger overall vision. A proper OKR process even helps collaboration and communication within the company because everyone is aiming at the same goals.
Final words
Just duplicate the template and get started. If you stay focused and use OKRs and this template as intended, it will give your focus and productivity a boost because you will work on the things that really matter.
For the ones who want the support package, you will be taken to Calendly right after your purchase in order to set up a 15 minute call with me (free of charge of course). During this call you can give me insides regarding your needs and we will set the appointment for the workshop and the implementation of the dashboard.